Frequently asked questions
Is SP.eye available on the NHS?
SP.eye is available to all hospitals within the NHS
Is SP.eye safe?
We are proud to have had no reported serious adverse events associated with SP.eye in over 60,000 injections worldwide
I'd like my doctor to use SP.eye, how can they get it?
SP.eye is widely distributed, please visit our distributors page to find your nearest supplier.
Who can use SP.eye?
SP.eye may be used by any healthcare professional who has been trained in its use. Many centres train nurses or Orthoptists to carry out intravitreal injections using SP.eye.
I'm a doctor and I'd like to use SP.eye in my practice, how can I get more information?
SP.eye is widely distributed, please visit our distributors page to find your nearest supplier.
Is SP.eye available as part of a disposable pack?
SP.eye is available in off the shelf and bespoke pack configurations, as well as in boxes of single devices.
I have a latex allergy, can my doctor use SP.eye on my eye?
SP.eye is safe to use on patients with a latex allergy
Which drugs is SP.eye suitable for?
SP.eye may be used with injectable agents licensed for intravitreal use which are compatible with a 30G needle. This includes Avastin®, Lucentis® and Eyelea®. SP.eye is not suitable for injections of drugs in suspension, such as Kenalog® (Triamcinolone).
I'm a doctor and I'm keen to be involved in research related to SP.eye, can you support this?
We are keen to support genuine research into the benefits of using SP.eye, please contact us to discuss your ideas.