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Information for Patients

Why do I need eye injections?

Your Ophthalmologist has recommended you have injections of a specific type of drug into the back of your eye.  This class of drugs (anti-VEGF) work by preventing new blood vessels growing in the retina.  Without treatment these blood vessels can leak fluid and blood, reducing your vision

What conditions can these injections treat?

Conditions which can be treated with these injections include:

  • "Wet" age related macular degeneration

  • Diabetic macular oedema

  • Macular oedema related to blood vessel blockage

How many injections will I need?

The total number of injections you will require depends on how your eye responds to the treatment.  However, most patients will have at least 3 injections to start with.  After these initial treatments, your Ophthalmologist will review you frequently, and decide on the need for further injections at each visit

Why do I need repeated injections?

The drugs used in these injections are very effective, but each dose only lasts for a short period of time (usually between 4 - 8 weeks), after the effect has worn off, fluid may collect in your eye again, requiring further injections

Is there anything I can do to reduce the need for injections?

There is some evidence that specific dietary supplements can help reduce the chance of progression to the most serious forms of wet macular degeneration, ask your Ophthalmologist for more information.

Diabetic eye disease requiring injections is often related to poor blood sugar control and smoking.  You should avoid making significant changes to your diet or lifestyle without consulting you doctor first

How is the injection carried out?

Your eyelids will be cleaned by the practitioner carrying out the injection.  They may then place a sticky blanket over your eye and use a spring to keep your eyelids open.  The injection is carried out using a very fine needle and is usually not uncomfortable.  After the injection is over you will be given some drops to use to reduce the chance of infection  

What is SP.eye®?

SP.eye is an award winning device, developed in the UK by eye surgeons to improve the safety and comfort of these injections.  The device precisely guides the needle as it is used, which ensures the injection is carried out safely.  SP.eye may be used without the metal spring used to keep your eyelids open, and many patients find it to be more comfortable than traditional injection techniques

Where can I get further information about my condition?

The Macular Society supports patients, and conducts research into macula disease

The RNIB provides support, information and practical help for patients with eye disease

NHS information

DiabetesUK provides information and support for patients with Diabetic eye disease


None of these organisations are affiliated with SP.eye or Salar surgical.  Links are provided for patient information only


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